Saturday, February 01, 2020

Well, we did a thing...

Meet Stanley the Whippet.

He arrived just before Christmas after many weeks of anxious waiting by all of us.

He's pretty much turned this house upside down but we love him to bits. 

He's also a willing new knitting model so it's all good.

Hoping I'll manage a more regular blogging schedule this year, starting with some FOs (the list is sooo long, not blogging does not mean I've not been knitting!!). But then, I've had hopes of that sort before so I'm not holding my breath...

Fingers crossed I'll manage to actually succeed this time!


  1. He is adorable, what a cutie.

  2. Aw, he’s gorgeous! Hello Stanley!

  3. He is gorgeous, may he bring you many hours of fun and happiness!
